★ Port Canaveral FL

Falcon Heavy’s debut flight, as seen from SR-401’s Western Curve, 6th February 2018. Photo by Lupi (original)
NOTE: As of 12 April 2019, there are strong indications that Route 401 may not be open for future launch viewing, on the request of Brevard County officials. Pay close attention to official sources of information for further updates, and plan to use an alternate viewing location for launches after this time.
Route 401 is the closest available public viewing for booster landings at LZ-1 and LZ-2. Publicly accessible; parking haphazard; facilities uncertain. Generally accessible, but terrain can be uneven for those with limited mobility.Cars will park along this entire stretch of road, wherever vegetation allows for a clear view, to watch launches. For popular launches, the entirety of 401 is liable to fill up VERY FAST. Get there early, and have a backup plan.